UPCOMING LOCAL EVENT (Postponed...Date and Time TBD): Auburn Raptor Center Presentation at Wild Birds Unlimited of Montgomery
UPCOMING LOCAL EVENT (Postponed....Date and Time TBD): Auburn Raptor Center Presentation at Wild Birds Unlimited of Montgomery
Presentation: The Auburn Raptor Center will be presenting at Wild Birds Unlimited of Montgomery with live birds of prey. You will get to learn all about these raptors, while being up close and personal with owls, hawks, eagles and vultures. This is a kid friendly event, so bring the family. Doors will open early and seating will be limited, so please bring a foldable chair if you would like a guaranteed seat. This event is free and we look forward to seeing you there.
Location: Wild Birds Unlimited of Montgomery
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
*Seating will be limited, so please bring a foldable chair if you are able to. Please allow children to sit up front on the floor